Children and adults can experience the joy of hosting bluebirds by attending “Backyard Bluebirds” at the Clemmons Public Library Auditorium on Saturday, January 24 from 10:30 am-noon.
Mr. Bill Abbey, the Forsyth County Coordinator for The NC Bluebird Society, will give a slide presentation on the role that citizens can play in restoring bluebird populations through the use of properly maintained and monitored bluebird boxes.
Participants will also get a glimpse “Inside the Nest Box” by viewing actual footage from the beginning of nest building to the last baby bird leaving the box. Mr. Abbey will also discuss his work at Tanglewood maintaining the park’s Bluebird Trail.
The staff of the Tanglewood Park Nature Education Division will be on hand to lead family-friendly activities to enhance bluebird knowledge and enjoyment. Participants will receive free nest box building instructions and advice on local sources for bluebird supplies.