Forsyth County Public Library

Nonprofit Resource Center

Forsyth County Public Library (FCPL) Nonprofit Resource Center (NRC), lcoated on the third floor of Central Library, provides free access to a wide variety of resources, services, programs and facilities useful to the nonprofit community. The NRC is available anytime the library is open.

NRC Resources

  • Select Resources for Starting a Nonprofit to download a list of resources and information
  • Access the NRC book collection to research a wide variety of topics related to the nonpfoit sector, including information about starting a nonprofit, fundraising, proposal writing, board development and nonprofit management. Access the Library Catalog from anywhere to search books by author, title, subject or keyword.
  • Browse periodicals for current issues related to the nonprofit sector. The collection, located in the forsyth Reading Room, ahs publications including Advancing Philanthropy, Associations Now, Chronicle of Philanthropy, Common Ground, Nonprofit Executive Report, The Nonprofit Quarterly, Nonprofit Times and Wise Giving Guide.
  • Access online resources, including ProQuest Central to find reliable information and data to support your research. Visit FCPL Online Resources page to see a list of resources in the Business and Investing category. Use your library card and PIN to gain full access to these for free.

Funding Information Network (FIN) Partnership with Candid

Candid, and organization dedicated to philanthropy and the nonprofit sector, provides trusted information and tools tohelp nonprofit organizations and the grantmakers who support them. As a FIN partner with Candid, FCPL offers free access to Candid's resources. These resources are available to the public through public computers located in Central Library. Call the Information Services Department at 336-703-3020 for assistance.

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  • Detailed profiles of U.S. foundations, descriptions of grants already awarded and profiles of grant recipients. Identify and research potential funding to support your nonprofit organization's mission and programs.
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  • Detailed profiles of grantmakers who award scholarships, fellowships, grants and other support to individuals. Research potential funding from foundations to support students, artists, writers, researchers and other individual grantseekers.
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  • Available online and in Libby by Overdrive. Access to over 250 titles related to the nonprofit sector, including starting a nonprofit, fundraising, proposal writing, board governance, corporate and individual giving, nonprofit law, social entrepreneurship and strategic planning.
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  • Premier destination for nonprofits and nonprofit research.

County Services

Spay, Neuter, Adopt and Love
Geo-Data Explorer . . . an up close look at tax and appraisal data

Contact Us

336-703-BOOK (2665)
Email: Contact Us
Hours of Operation
Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Friday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m
Saturday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Holiday Closings
Wednesday, January 1 - New Year's Day
Monday, January 20 - Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday
Friday, April 18 - Good Friday
Monday, May 26 - Memorial Day
Friday, July 4 - Independence Day
Monday, September 1 - Labor Day
Tuesday, November 11 - Veteran's Day
Thursday, November 27 - Thanksgiving
Friday, November 28 - Thanksgiving
Wednesday, December 24 - Christmas
Thursday, December 25 - Christmas
Friday, December 26 - Christmas