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Forsyth County Health and Human Services Board


The Forsyth County Health and Human Services (HHS) Board is the policy-making, rule-making, and administrative board for the Forsyth County Health and Human Services Agency which consists of Public Health and Social Services. The State law allows for the Consolidation of Human Services departments and, if the Public Health Department is affected, the HHS Board is charged with the statutory responsibilities of a local Public Health Board. The Forsyth County HHS Board has the authority to adopt local rules which address health issues and which are enforced by the Health and Human Services Director and staff of the Health and Human Services Agency Public Health Division staff. The HHS Board also has the authority to:
1) set fees for departmental services based upon recommendation of the human services director subject to the same restrictions on amount and scope that would apply to a county board of health, a county board of social services, or a mental health, developmental disabilities, and substance abuse area authority;
2) assure compliance with laws related to federal and State programs;
3) recommend creation of local human services program;
4) adopt local health regulations and participate in enforcement appeals of local regulations;
5) perform regulatory health functions required by State law;
6) act as coordinator or agent of the State to the extent required by State or federal law;
7) plan and recommend a consolidated human services budget;
8) conduct audits and reviews of human services programs, including quality assurance activities, as required by State and federal law or as may otherwise by necessary periodically;
9) advise local officials through the County Manager;
10) perform public relations and advocacy functions;
11) protect the public health to the extent required by law; and
12) develop dispute resolution procedures for human services contractors and clients and public advocates, subject to applicable State and federal dispute resolution procedures for human services programs, when applicable.

Members and Non-Voting Staff Person(s)

Membership of the HHS Board is prescribed by State law (N.C.G.S. 153A-77(c)(1a-5)). The HHS Board is comprised of 17 members or such number as the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners shall determine at a later date. The members are appointed by the Forsyth County Board of Commissioners, serve staggered four-year terms, and may serve a maximum of two consecutive four-year terms. Members must be residents of Forsyth County.

Currently Serving

First Name Last Name Position Start Term End Term
CarmelitaColemanAt Large10/05/202309/30/2027
CharlesMassler, Jr.Dentist09/16/202109/30/2025
DenisePriceStaff Member
FlemingEl-AminAt Large09/16/202109/30/2025
GloriaWhisenhuntCounty Commissioner12/02/202412/30/2025
HeatherParkerConsumer of Human Services10/05/202309/30/2027
J. PhilSeatsPharmacist10/01/202409/30/2028
J. PhilSeatsConsumer of Human Services10/01/202409/30/2028
JohnBlalockAt Large09/16/202109/30/2025
LindaPetrouConsumer of Human Services10/27/202209/30/2026


HHS Board meetings are held bimonthly on the first Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. at the Forsyth County Public Health Department, 799 North Highland Avenue. The meetings are open to the public.

Other Information

The HHS Board is composed of:
1 Physician licensed to practice medicine in the state
1 licensed Dentist
1 licensed Optometrist
1 licensed Veterinarian
1 licensed Pharmacist
1 Professional Engineer
1 Registered Nurse
1 Social Worker
1 Psychiatrist
1 Psychologist
1 County Commissioner
3 At Large
4 Consumer of Human Services

A member may serve a dual capacity (professional capacity and consumer). There must be 4 Consumers of Human Services. N.C.G.S. 153A-77

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